Know More About Lareme Fessler
Lareme loves to do what he does. We'll let him tell you what he has done and is currently doing.
I am a husband, father of 7 children, business owner, certified life coach, and ultramarathon runner.
The callings I’ve served in since coming home from my mission in the order that I served them are Priest Quorum Adviser, Stake YSA Rep, Youth Sunday School Teacher, Cub Master, High Council, Early Morning Seminary Teacher, 1st Counselor Stake Young Men’s Presidency, 2nd Counselor Bishopric & Bishop. I am currently serving as Primary Activity Leader for Boys & Elders Quorum Activity Coordinator.
I have owned multiple businesses. It started when I was in elementary school selling spears that were basically sticks whittled to be sharpened to a point and then painted. I sold them to the kids in my neighborhood. I sold candy at school in junior high and got shut down by faculty. Woops! I owned a landscape maintenance business. I currently own an insurance agency and Enduring Action life coaching practice.
I have loved doing every single one of these things because, well, I chose to. None of these things were easy. They all had their obstacles and challenging times which required extra effort at times. I am human so I have had a flood of emotions from excitement, happiness, joy, frustration, anger, annoyance, doubt, confidence, faith, hope, love, etc. That is actually the part I love. I love the variety of emotions I get to feel because I chose to come to earth to gain a body and feel.